The Pornification of a Generation

October 8, 2008 at 7:43 pm (News Opinion of the Week)

This article from Newsweek is an examination of the aspects of mainstream culture that are beginning to resemble pornography, especially as it relates to children and tweens. The author examines toys, television, and internet sites marketed to children, and their undeniable resemblance to the adult film industry. It’s an unsettling portrait of a generation disturbingly at ease with X-rated images and ideas.

There’s no denying that pornography is becoming increasingly mainstream. Kids are being exposed to sexually explicit material younger and younger. More and more toys and television are imitating sex and porn. So why are we surprised that kids are having sex earlier and earlier? Teen pregnancy and kids having sex younger are a natural consequence of our sex obsessed culture.

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4: fast food restaurants do unnecessary things

October 1, 2008 at 10:57 pm (News Opinion of the Week)

This article is about fast-food company Yum Brands Inc., owner of KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Long John Silver’s, and A&W, adding the calorie information to their menu boards in their restaurants. Yum Brands Inc. is doing this voluntarily, but in many places, such as California and New York City, posting caloric content is becoming required by law.

I think this is kind of unnecessary. When people go to fast food restaurants they know they’re not getting anything particularly healthy. If they’re really that worried about it, they should eat at home. I personally don’t want to see the calorie content- it makes me feel guilty. Knowing how many calories I’m actually eating would make me less likely to eat fast food. Posting only calories and not all the nutritional information is also kind of half-assed. The really unhealthy part of most fast food is sodium and fat content, but they’re not going to post that. This move by Yum Brands seems like it’s just a publicity thing to look like they’re being healthy. They’re not really accomplishing anything. I recognize that some people might appreciate knowing the calorie content of their food, but if they’re that worried about it, they should just look it up at home. This seems like a waste of time and resources… why don’t you take this manpower and make your food healthier instead of wasting your time telling us how bad it is?

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2: teacher/hooker

September 22, 2008 at 3:15 am (News Opinion of the Week)

This is an article about a primary school teacher in New Zealand who was discovered to be working a second job as a prostitute. Prostitution is legal in New Zealand, and the school the woman taught at had no policy about requiring approval for any teachers working second jobs, so the woman was doing nothing illegal. However, a complaint from a parent to the principal sent the issue for review before the school board of trustees, who is deciding whether to refer the issue to the New Zealand Teachers’ Council.

Working as an educator can’t mix with working as a prostitute. I don’t see a problem with the woman working as a hooker, but I can’t imagine many people would want to send their children to learn from her. She could be the best teacher in the world, but the fact is, she’s a role model. What parent wants their child to aspire to be a prostitute?

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Sarah Palin Wants the Earth to Die

September 10, 2008 at 12:28 am (News Opinion of the Week)

This is a news article from MSNBC that details John McCain’s recently selected vice presidential candidate, Sarah Palin’s, views on environmental issues. Palin is the governor of Alaska, and has many views that conflict with those of environmental experts. The article highlights Palin’s views that polar bears aren’t endangered, climate change isn’t caused by any human activity, and that people in the continental United States can’t understand Alaska and its environmental concerns.

Reading this article, I was struck by Sarah Palin’s complete refusal to acknowledge facts. I am consistently astounded that anyone anywhere can deny the fact that human actions are largely responsible for the climate change is affecting our world right now. How can Palin completely disregard the mountains of scientific evidence? She is in complete denial, and letting this woman into office would be a huge, possibly fatal, mistake.

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